We Are PCG

The Arkansas Central Section Mission

To provide unity and fellowship among churches in the central Arkansas section.

About Us

The Central Section of the Arkansas District of the Pentecostal Church of God is composed of 12 churches from PCG chartered to independent churches who fellowship with us under the District charter. We are a multicultural, multigenerational family whose goal in coming together is to uplift the Holy name of Jesus of Nazareth, the one true Christ, and to lift up our fellow bretheren in love and exortation and encourage all generations to reach out in love to our fellow mankind and show the love of the Father, to live in and grow in walking in the leading of the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit.

We have many talented preachers and teachers, exorters and laymen, who we love to see use their talents for the glory of the Lord! If you are interested in fellowshipping with us, or want to be used in the service of the Lord in the section, feel free to contact our local Presbyter or Sectional Youth Director. If you are a member of a chartered church and have a desire to do the work of the Lord in one of our gatherings, please see your local pastor.

2019-2021 Leadership Staff


Rev. Ken Mullen

Presbyter Mullen

Secretary/ Treasurer

Candy Barnes

Secretary Barnes

Kingsmen Fellowship Leader

David Hodges

KMF Hodges

Empowered Womens Ministry Leader

Scheryll Hodges

Empowered Hodges

Empowered Womens Secretary/ Treasurer

Brenda Tullos

Secretary Tullos

Sectional Youth Director

Layne Ivy


Youth Secretary/ Treasurer

Bethany Ivy

Secretary Ivy


Sectional Facebook

Sectional Youth Facebook

New PCG Arkansas District Website

PCG National Website

Page built by Layne Ivy @ markedprint.com